Up and Running Again

For a period of time some additions and updates will be made on the Voices blog. Your input is welcome if you would like to add or update information about yourself or about our Class of '63 friends. You can contact me, Nicki Wilcoxson, on Facebook by sending a message to me there. Your contributions are welcomed. January 17, 2012

Monday, December 28, 2009

Looking Back As We Look Forward

It is so hard to realize that Christmas and Thanksgiving have come and gone so quickly.  In the blink of an eye the events that we worked so hard to prepare for have been reduced to a handful of memories.  It seems that if we didn't have the photos to prove that they truly existed we just might deny their very existence.  If someone asks me if our family had a good Christmas, I would have to reply that we did have a great Christmas and really enjoyed it. 

In fact, I think this was one of the most enjoyable and most fun filled Christmas times that I can remember, but that having been said, if I am not careful, I might let the stress and fatigue that came with the days of "getting ready" with the shopping, decorating, cooking, and all the rest (or lack of it) override the joy, beauty, and happiness that should have been paramount during this time. It is so shockingly easy to forget the "reason for the season" and I regret that I let that happen even when I feel so blessed in so many ways. I am not much on resolutions, but in the back of my mind, I resolve to seek ways to make our next Christmas more meaningful, restful, and filled with  joy for our blessings.

With the coming of the New Year, I also, find myself reflecting on some of the events that I will always associate with 2009--both good and bad:

2009 will always be the year we went to Alaska.  One of our Christmas gifts that I consider to be priceless is the wonderful book from Kim, Vince, and Cole that chronicles our trip in photos and comments.

2009 will always be the year that Jordie became a freshman in high school and for the first time since the 5th grade we saw a renewal of appreciation for school instead of dread for each day. New friends, new coaches and sports teams to be a part of along with new teachers and the new school have worked miracles for his attitude toward school.  It was also during 2009 that he became as tall as his Grandad after passing the rest of us much earlier.

2009 is another year in which we with great happiness saw our young Cole, make huge strides in school.  He loves going each day and has a strong love for learning that I have rarely seen in other children.  We are constantly amazed at what he teaches us with his great store of information and his talents.

2009 brought Izzie and Raider, our new grand-puppies, to live with Cole and his family.  

2009 will be remembered as a year for disappointment for our daughter, Jami, who worked so hard to train to run her first marathon, only to find herself in the hospital that day.  We pray for her continued healing both physically and spiritually.  

2009 will always be the year that we were profoundly disappointed that an athlete that we admired for his physical talent and for his seemingly good character, fell so far from  the man we imagined him to be and pray that he will find the strength he needs to put his life in order and to do what it takes to become a true man of character and honor. 

2009 brought a totally unexpected illness to one of our dear friends who just recently celebrated a fiftieth wedding anniversary with his wife who is also a dear friend.  Now we pray for a total recovery from this illness and the patience he will need for all the hard work (pt) that lies ahead.

In 2009 we have seen some of our friendships fade away just as we rejoice that we have felt other friendships strengthen.  

As we see 2010 approaching, we want to take the time to wish each and every one of you true happiness, good health and healing during illness. as well as fun, faith, and friends.  

Happy New Year to one and all!

Jim and Nicki


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