Up and Running Again

For a period of time some additions and updates will be made on the Voices blog. Your input is welcome if you would like to add or update information about yourself or about our Class of '63 friends. You can contact me, Nicki Wilcoxson, on Facebook by sending a message to me there. Your contributions are welcomed. January 17, 2012

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Snowy Kind of Day

On January 28 the snow fell and fell, and fell.  I think we have about 10 inches.  Thankfully we did not have a blizzard since the winds didn't blow hard enough!

In a previous post, I talked about how much fun it was to play in the snow, but not this time. We have been in the house for two days now, but warm and cozy and well fed since I made the obligatory rush to the grocery store to make sure we had plenty of groceries and then off to Pet Smart to get bird seed and cat food.  We can't wait to get out of the house hopefully tomorrow!  Enough is enough.  I need to work out; I need to go to a restaurant!  We need a 4X4!! 

White out from the front yard

Looking down the street today.

 After a couple of hours of shoveling and with the help of a friend, we managed to clear the snow off of the driveway, but a layer of ice remains.    At least we can escape the house if we want to.  Jim is holding the shovel!

We are so grateful that the ice spared our trees and that the Austrian Pine and all the rest are standing tall and snowy.

I had to clear a path to all the bird feeders.  I can see one tiny bird in the snow and a cardinal in the tree.  They love me!

The birds love the deck because there is cat food there and they love that, too.
They also love the rest from the weather from time to time.  This little fellow is sitting on the metal pumpkin frame from autumn.


I couldn't bear to knock the snow off of the back porch.  I love the puffy tops because they look like snow cones or icing on cupcakes.

The happiest one to see the snow go will be our cat Chloe.  She sits at the windows or doors looking very sad, because she loves it outside and she hates the snow and cold on her paws.

Is there life beyond our house and the backyard????  Did I not write this same post at the beginning of January???  This is really sad!  We need a vacation-a change of scenery-new topics for the blog........

Monday, January 4, 2010




I find this truly strange on so many levels.  Truly something to ponder.

Further thought on these photos leads me to the conclusion that there must be some symbolism here.

 A.  Is this representing the before and after the fall of the stock market earlier??
B.  Could this before and after be symbolic of the fortune of Tiger Woods after his wife gets through with him???

C.  Perhaps these photos are symbolic of the dangers we see lurking in our environment and ecosytem unless we take steps to correct what we humans are doing???

D.  or  perhaps I am over analyzing this before and after and they are simply representative of a really good fish dinner that someone enjoyed???

Thanks, Clara, for sharing this with us.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Smiling Kind of Day

Some days are just meant to make us smile!  So far this is one of them.

First of all the sun is out and shining.  Yea!  There is still a layer or two of snow strategically lying in the yard, but I am betting it will be melted soon.

As usual, I have been a bad bird mom and I knew I had to go out and feed the little critters.  I cleared a path to the feeders and hauled the seed out to them, all the while imagining a line of huffy little bodies and faces giving me dirty looks as I finally took care of them.  The Blue Jays and Cardinals and some other bigger birds have been visiting our deck to steal cat food from the bowls I put out for the stray kitties who pass through.  Apparently birds love the cat food as much as the cats.

After finishing my job, I was overcome with a desire to spend a little time in the snow.  Since I knew better than to throw myself down to make a snow angel because I had visions of not being able to get up, I decided to take my snow shovel and just clear a place or two to help the melting process.  I used the blade to break it up in different patterns.  Who says "older" people can't play in the snow, too!

As I did all of this, I noticed my cat Chloe was very busy trying to clear the snow from the spot in a flower bed that she has chosen as her own special poo spot.  She worked and worked, but just as she tried to do her "business" snow fell back into the spot.  Finally she gave up ran to the open door to the house, ran to the closet where the litter box is located and quickly, with a sigh of relief.....well you get the idea.  Now that made me smile too.

Last night I did make it until the new year and said hello 2010.  Normally I don't do this but as I surfed through the channels, I landed on the CNN channel.  Much to my surprised and joy, there was Anderson Cooper!  Anderson Cooper in Times Square!  I really do like AC and it made me happy, happy to see in the new year with him "by my side."  The only flaw in my little fantasy was that Kathy Griffin was standing in "my spot".  Don't much care for her, but she did make AC cringe and smile on a few occasions and I do love those dimples!  Just for the record Jim was having his own perfect fantasy watching some football or basketball game on the other television!

Several people in the crowds mentioned that spending New Years Eve in Times Square was on their bucket list.  Sounds great to me, too!  In person instead of just watching on television!

I hope you,too, are having a smiling kind of day!