Up and Running Again

For a period of time some additions and updates will be made on the Voices blog. Your input is welcome if you would like to add or update information about yourself or about our Class of '63 friends. You can contact me, Nicki Wilcoxson, on Facebook by sending a message to me there. Your contributions are welcomed. January 17, 2012

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blowin' ... and Spittin' ... Sometimes Twistin' ... in the Wind....

The Looking Glass

by Jennifer Johnston

Peter Newell Illustration, 1890

Happy Inauguration Day!!! Next Tuesday, January 20, 2008 is the day when Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, takes the oath of office, with his hand on the Lincoln Bible. And today marks the inauguration of Voices from the CHS Class of 1963, the new blog dedicated (but not exclusive) to the Childress High School Class of 1963 ... and coincidentally (grin) the commencement of my personal series of posts on the Voices blog, which will appear collectively under the heading The Looking Glass ... along with any prefatory, ancillary titles which may come to mind....

I chose this title because a looking glass not only reflects the image of the person looking into it, it also shows other people in proximity and picks up impressions of the room or space just behind and adjacent, albeit sometimes in softer focus. There are tales of magic looking glasses which allow one who believes (and has imagination and the proper mindset) to see into the future, as well as the past, or to travel through time and space and lives. A looking glass may also reflect our thoughts and opinions, as well as our fondest memories and deepest desires, like J.K. Rowling's Mirror of Erised (spell it backward ... or hold it up to a mirror!) in her Harry Potter series. And Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a treasured tale from childhood, wherein Alice (of previous Wonderland fame) is able to pass through a looking glass to an alternative world of startling imagery and disorienting space/time distortions ... where she meets my old friends Jabberwocky, the White Knight, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and The Walrus and the Carpenter, among others.

So, succinctly, The Looking Glass gives me lots of room to roam as I explore and discuss diverse subjects ... whatever meets and greets me when I close my eyes, take a deep breath and put myself in the mirror's hands. Of course in an alternative universe, mirrors may have hands ... and tell tales ... render commentary ... show us where we've been and where we are going ... and give us glimpses of what may lie on the other side ... and beyond....

Barack Obama

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States

Who knows what memories of ye olden times (ca. 1963 ... grin) we may revisit ... what preternatural, numinous creatures (including of course but not limited to Guinevere the Druid Goddess) we may encounter ... what spiritual, metaphysical realms we may enter ... what magical mystery tours (with a nod to the Beatles) we may join? With luck ... and sometimes a little blood, sweat and tears (with a nod to the musical group and to Winston Churchill), on our journey(s) we may just gain a semblance and remembrance of things past, a dollop or two of knowledge ... and in the process enjoy the trip!!!! There, at the signpost up ahead (with a nod to Rod Serling), a caveat:

It helps to be broad of interest and adventurous of mind to enter ... or enjoy ... this ride!!!! Otherwise, traverse the glass at your own risk....

I hope to see comments from some of you from time to time, but I know from Nicki's and my experience on the Reflections blog, comments may be few and far between (and occasionally non-existent). If any of you want to tell a story or share a memory, I would be delighted to publish a short piece or even a longer post written by you, under your byline, within the Voices blog ... pretty much on any subject you'd like, with very few exceptions, though there are obviously some places we simply will not go, whether in posts or comments. Photographs and stories about you, your kids, grandkids, great-grandchildren, pets or whatever lights your fire (with a nod to The Doors) are always welcome. (All this nodding is seriously affecting my balance ... although sometimes it's so hard to tell ... grin....)

I absolutely draw the line at pornography (like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, writing in Jacobellis v. Ohio, 1964, I know it when I see it!), blatant and egregious profanity, slurs on parentage (even if appropriate ... grin again) and canned "talking points" promulgated by one group or another to be mindlessly regurgitated by true believers. I do encourage you to participate, as sui generis voices do add so much to the rich texture of the blog.

There will be other regular contributors to Voices making their appearances, under their chosen posting titles, in the days to come, so do stay tuned and in touch.

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has been so concerned and caring during Yahn's recent illness and surgery to remove a portion of his lung. All your good thoughts and prayers meant so much to both of us, and you are such treasured friends. Special thanks to Nicki and Jim, Raenell, Linda Kay and Wayne, Lynn, Clara and Don, Joby, Pat, Driscilla, Jack, Sheila, Johnny G., Sharon Woolfolk Buck and a couple of others for all their calls and cards and messages; to Chris and KC for their "near and dear" proximate support; and to "the Bish," Phil Tutor, who despite his own busy schedule took much time over a number of days to call Yahn and check on him, and to talk with me too. We appreciate all of you and others who e-mailed so very much. As Nicki reported on the Reflections blog, Yahn is recovering at home, is cancer-free, and will not require additional treatment (chemo, radiation, etc.). Given the diagnosis, he has received the very best prognosis.

I believe it is inarguable that without the networking and reconnections that were made via the
Reflections blog, Yahn and I would not have had such a large, wonderful, sustaining group of friends who wished us well ... a tangible manifestation of at least one reason Nicki and I came to believe that reincarnating (a subject of extreme interest to me!) the blog as Voices is a good idea at this time in all our lives.

Having said all that, I'll take leave until next time, next topic ... and will anticipate Tuesday morning when I will chill the champagne, deck the halls, prepare the tapenade
and crostini and raise a glass of Veuve Clicquot with friends at 11:00 a.m. C.S.T., toasting our new President, on this truly historic occasion. There is a palpable electricity in the air around here, as there was at the time of the election, and many celebrations are planned in our area, particularly in our Bishop Arts District, all day Tuesday and into the evening.

I wish President Obama well in all his endeavors, as should we all, particularly at this very difficult time for our country, and for our world. The winds of change are blowin' indeed.... L'chaim!!!


My Photo


  1. It’s your usual wonder-writing. You don’t raise the bar, you ARE the bar.


  2. Jennifer,

    You have done a great job of getting our Voices off to a great start!


  3. I am blushing. Thanks and love to you both....


  4. Hey Jenn, I'm glad the blog has been revived, although I'm a little remiss at responding sometimes. Thankful that Yahn in improving. The Bish
