Up and Running Again

For a period of time some additions and updates will be made on the Voices blog. Your input is welcome if you would like to add or update information about yourself or about our Class of '63 friends. You can contact me, Nicki Wilcoxson, on Facebook by sending a message to me there. Your contributions are welcomed. January 17, 2012

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tea Time

Written by Nicki Wilcoxson

Greetings from the Wilcoxsons in Amarillo!! Hopefully it isn’t too late to wish each of you a happy 2009. Since my last post on Reflections in October of 2008, I have had time to be involved in multiple projects other than blogging Unfortunately, most of those projects revolved around Thanksgiving and Christmas—which by the way—were great family times and we enjoyed them very much. I say unfortunately because I still have multiple projects waiting to be done. Where does the time go and how do I get so little accomplished?

All of that having been said and requiring little or no contemplation or discussion, I want to say how excited we are to be back with a new blog that I sincerely hope will speak to all of you from the class of ’63 on at least some level of interest. One of the goals for “Voices” is to present a variety of posts written by several members of the Class of ’63. Some of us will have a series of posts and some will just share a post from time to time. Everyone is welcome to write and all that is required is to contact either Jennifer or myself so we can plan a time for you.

My series is going to be called “Tea Time”. I am a total tea freak and because it is my sole source of caffeine other than the occasional bite of chocolate, I look forward to and enjoy “tea time’ throughout the day. For those of you who must have your coffee, java, or cuppa joe, I give you permission to substitute the concept of a coffee break when I speak of tea time. Every one of us, and that includes retirees, find it nice to take a break from whatever chore, job, or work that we perform during the day. It is so nice to settle in a comfy chair in a comfy place and just chill for a time. “Tea Time” provides time for each of us to enjoy our drink of choice which for me is naturally, tea—hot or cold. Even better, how satisfying it can be to combine tea time with friends and good conversation or a good book, or just a quiet time for contemplation, meditating or writing. By now I hope you are beginning to get an idea of what you can expect from “Tea Time” on the blog. I invite you to fill your favorite mug or glass with tea (or coffee if you must), settle in your chair in front of your computer and take a break with me while we consider a variety of topics, issues, and ideas and enjoy our time together. We will find time to talk about a book or two, maybe an occasional movie, current events, and whatever else comes to my mind. Additionally, I will be compelled to share my latest “tea tip” or other tea related fact. I might even be persuaded to tell a joke or share a funny story, but be forewarned that I am the world’s worst teller of jokes!

Until next time, I leave you with the message on my favorite refrigerator magnet:Let the Voices be heard!!


  1. My dear Nicki ... how lovely to be sharing blogspace with you again ... as I sit drinking my hot Jasmine tea on a chilly afternoon. I started to make a little joke about your series of posts driving us to drink ... but then thought better of it ... grin....

    Love your refrigerator magnet ... in this very hopeful season!!! 2009 is lookin' good indeed....


  2. I can't deny that it occurred to me that giving folks the opportunity to grab their choice of drink could be dangerous,but on second thought it could make for a more lively discussion.

    Jasmine tea sounds quite exotic. I haven't tried that one.

  3. I am looking forward to your stories.

  4. I'll join you with a mug of chai tea. I love to sit and listen to people's stories. Let's talk.

  5. Hey Nicki, I was just wondering why Mike Spradley's picture is not with the rest of us. I know he didn't graduate with us, but he grew up with us and has been with us in spirit every step of the way. He probably loves CHS more than the rest of us do collectively. For me, that makes him a Member Eternal.

    It is kinda like this...he left, you came. You are both a part of the CHS society. Simple.

  6. Thank you. Doesn't he just look splendid!

  7. Sheila, thanks so much for catching my mistake in leaving out Mike's photo. Yes, he does look very much as if he belongs right there in that spot--which indeed he does! My apologizes to Mike, also.
