Up and Running Again

For a period of time some additions and updates will be made on the Voices blog. Your input is welcome if you would like to add or update information about yourself or about our Class of '63 friends. You can contact me, Nicki Wilcoxson, on Facebook by sending a message to me there. Your contributions are welcomed. January 17, 2012

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Take Me Away

Tea Time
Written by
Nicki Sooter Wilcoxson

Many of you will remember an old commercial on television that shows a very stressed out woman who in desperation pleads
for Calgon to take her away and then we see her unwinding in a bathtub filled with bubbles. Obviously, the woman is grateful for a mini vacation.Even today, that mini vacation or one like it is still appreciated, but a 21st century woman might have something a little more substantial and adventurous on her mind.

Recently, on a flight to Alaska that lasted 6 hour
s, I became acquainted with a woman who was also traveling to Alaska, but with a much different goal in mind than mine which was to get to a cruise ship, buffets loaded with food, and the opportunity to view wildlife from afar--very, very afar. My new acquaintance was on the way to lead a group of women through the Alaskan wilderness which would include meeting bears up close and personal, camping out, kayaking, canoeing, rafting and other activities. This would be a true opportunity for women to have a real adventure. Not only was my new friend a leader of the group, she worked for an adventure travel site called Adventure Women. Before she became a leader she had been a participant in several of the adventures both nationally and internationally. One in particular that she told me about was a trip to and down the Amazon. She said that the adventures are very much sought out by groups of friends, mothers and daughters, sisters, family members, co-workers and just women in general who seek to experience interactive adventures rather than more passive travels.

Because she gave me her card, I have visite
d the web site and I admit to being envious of women who are able to participate in this type of travel. To find out if you are an "adventure woman" visit the web site. By the way--not all of the adventures are camping out and rough living. There are several adventures in Montana that include skiing, fall, ranching and hiking. Perhaps you would prefer Iceland, the Himalayas, Baha whale watching, or New Zealand.

Another opportunity to be "taken away" but in perhaps a little less adventurous way was shared with me by Jan Bell (wife of J.R. Bell). Perhaps some of you are unaware that J.R. has family in England. On occasion, Jan has been able to visit and has taken "walking holidays" across England and Ireland. I am so intri
gued by this possibility as something I would really love. I dream of walking through Cornwall, the homeland of Jane Austen, and so much more. For more information visit their website.

When all else fails grab a glass of tea, a good book, a cat to pet and sleep in your lap and head for the shade tree in your yard!

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